
CAMP open for Primavera Sound

For everyone visiting Barcelona during Primavera Sound, and the locals who didn't know us before, we will open our doors from Wed. May 22 - Sun. May 26 from 2pm - 9pm. Maybe opening earlier, maybe closing later. Come buy, pick something up, go in style, get your picture taken by a blogger, support local designers! No one got killed our exploited making these clothes. so, enjoy Barcelona and remember to clean up your beer cans and butts when leaving the Beach. thanks!
We are on Calle de la Mercé 31, thats near the post office on the way to the Beach! (metro Jaume I, or Drassanes)


One man's TRASH is another man's TREASURE

Living in Barcelona is very conducive to a dumpster-diving lifestyle. Not only is it a more ecological substitute to heading over to your local lumberyard, the end result is even more gratifying. This past March we opened our showroom in Barcelona using materials found on the streets, and with the super creative vision of Ricard and Ian, and a little help with our friends, mounted this amazing patchwork of discarded treasure. It works great as a backdrop to our one of a kind creations, treasures in their own right. Thanks guys!